If you’d like to buy a wine of 1984 (ready to drink wine and to offer as a 1984 vintage anniversary) , know that the 1984 Bordeaux, are intensely coloured (Cabernet Sauvignon) but that the weakness of the Merlot gives them a tight profile, missing a little of the undeniable charm with which the great mature Bordeaux wines are endowed. In the other regions, the 1984 vintage is considered to be quite weak.
Would you like to buy a 1984 vintage wine? Are you looking for a 1984 vintage wine as an anniversary gift? Discover our selection of wines, anniversary vintages, and grand crus from 1984 vintage ! At Vins & Millesimes, our wines bottles and 1984 magnums are always 100% in stock, fastly delivered, and at the best price!